Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2015

Flax seeds- Benefits and harms.

 Flax seeds also called linseeds  with the binomial name Linum usitatissimum, is a ... The Latin species name usitatissimum means  "most useful" and not without reason.
 He has found application in industrial and medical fields, and even - in cosmetology.
 The stems of this plant are processed into fibers from which the fabric.
 And the flax seeds are used as the most valuable food additive, which is also considered a universal remedy virtually all diseases.

  So, flax seeds and their benefits and harms, and how to take flax seed?

Flax seeds - useful properties and contraindications

 The main beneficial properties of flax seed due to their unique structure of lignans:

 Phytoestrogens, natural hormones that block the action of "bad" estrogen, which in turn cause hormone-dependent cancers, in particular - breast cancer.

Lignans in flaxseed oil, by the way, is not contained only in the seeds.

 Omega3 fatty
 They are not synthesized in the body, so it is important to ensure adequate intake of outside.

 Here palm flax seeds Share with salmon.
 The lack of these acids can cause cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (II type), pain in the joints, is also reflected in the ability to concentrate, provokes fatigue and depression, affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.
 Regular consumption of products containing omega-3 fatty acids help to prevent the development of asthma, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, etc. as well as clear the body of toxins.

Fiber, especially soluble contained in flaxseed, has a most beneficial effect on the human digestive system.
 It envelops the stomach wall and accelerates excretion of cholesterol, carcinogens and other harmful toxins, promotes better absorption of nutrients, is the prevention of colon cancer.

 Besides the above components in the flax seeds also includes a plurality of vitamins and other micronutrients ("vitamins youth" - A and E, and B, F, potassium, magnesium, manganese, antioxidants, amino acids, etc.).


 The opinions of experts differ on the safe amount consumed flaxseed. Some argue that the daily dose should not exceed 25 g, the other - 50 In any event, the flax seed is the harm of abusing them. It is estimated that to provide the body with all necessary nutrients enough seeds 20-25 g per day (in the usual hammer or as a broth). Contraindicated to take flax seeds:

 women during pregnancy and lactation, and in the presence of diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic, endometriosis;
 if there is a risk of prostate cancer (for men);
 inflammation or ileus, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
 with stones in the urinary and gall bladder;
 in particular cases of intolerance of the product.
 Flax seeds may cause allergic reactions.
 At first, as some people have been bloating, flatulence. In this case, the reception of the product should be minimized by gradually increasing the number of seeds.
 Now that you know what the benefits and harms of flax seed, 
Lein samen-entzündliche, Krebs und Herzkreislauferkrankungen, die Auswirkungen auf die Lebensmittelsicherheit. Das beste pflanzliche Quelle von Omega-3-Fettsäuren. Kanadische Forscher zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Brustkrebs wird auch gefunden, um wirksam zu sein. Es hat eine hohe lignan in den Wechseljahren hilft, Hormonmangel durch Hitzewallungen und Osteoporose zu senken. Für kleine Kinder gibt es Bedenken wegen der möglichen Vergiftung (Blausäure) Gehalt an Blausäure, aber Studien haben gezeigt, dass diese Stoffe gekocht oder gebacken staatlich gefährlichen Inhalt Stoffe sind gebrochen, roh und ein Erwachsener 1 kg pro Tag sollte damit die essen Es hat sich zu riskant.Gebärmutterhalskrebs entzündungshemmende Wirkung, so dass es von großer Hilfe bei Darmerkrankungen sein. Das Board kochen, um zwei Esslöffel Leinsamen halben Liter Wasser vorzubereiten und abkühlen lassen, filtriert und können auch verzehrt werden. Das kaltgepresste Olivenöl extra vergine Leinöl, Walnussöl oder gemischt tökmag- eine gute Verbandsmaterial sein. Leinsamen Öl und Mehl (Fertigprodukte), Low-Carb, können glutenfreie Backwaren hergestellt werden. 

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