Introduction to Indian Astrology
The science of Astrology has great antiquity behind it. Vedas which are said to be the oldest religious literature available has
references to this science. Astrology has great importance attached to it as "Vedanga Jyothisha". That means "Jyothisha or
Astrology" is one of the limbs of the "Vedas" (1500 B.C.). Hindus were the original masters who had the thorough knowledge of
astronomy and many rituals and religious rites were related to the position of planets and their motions. It was expected of all
those who wanted to understand Vedas, to be well versed with the knowledge of astronomy and astrology.
The earliest astronomical works such as Surya Siddanta and Vedanga Jyothisha are more then five thousand years old.
Long before Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Galilio and other galaxy of astronomers were born, the Hindu sages had already gained
much knowledge on the stellar or planetary universe.
Vedas are the oldest writings of the World's religious literature and in them one could see the mention of Vedanga Jyothisha. In other words there are several verses devoted to explain the astronomical knowledge in Rig-Veda and Atharvana Veda.
The early Siddantas are Hindu astronomical works which give us the period of Mahayuga which comprises of Kritha, Thretha,
Dwapara and Kali Yugas.
It has been estimated that Mahayuga comprises of 43,20,000 (Four Million, Three hundred and twenty thousand years)
and the age of our solar system is 1972,949,099 (One thousand nine hundred seventy two million and nine hundred and forty-nine thousand ninety nine years) which will be approximately 2,000 million years. This figure has been tallied with the figures given by
Sir James Joans based on geological and astronomical study. It is beyond our imagination how the Hindu Sages could know these facts without the scientific instruments available to the modern scientists.
Jyothisha has been divided into three main branches of study. 1. Siddanta, 2. Samhita and 3. Hora.
Siddantas are those which devote to astronomical study of celestial bodies.
Samhitas deal with mundane astrology, earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, rainfall, weather conditions economic conditions
and effects of sunspots.
The next and the very important branch is the Phalitha Jyothisha branch which concentrates on the system of predictions. And this branch has six sub-divisions, namely, Jathaka, Gola, Prasna, Nimitta, Muhurta and Ganitha.
In Palitha Jyothisha (predictive system) we have three important schools. They are Parashari, Jaimini and Thajaka.
Universally applicable school of predictive system is that of Parashari.
Nadi System
Apart from these schools of planetary interpretations, we have what we can call as Nadi system which gives pen pictures of life
and destiny patterns of people born at 12,24,48 seconds intervals. These have been written on palm leaves. Only very few experts
can read and understand these, but the results and predictions are found to be amazingly accurate. Nadi, Guru, Shukra,
Chandra, Budha, Suka, Narada, Markandeya, Satya Nadis are found in the oriental manuscript's library at Madras (India).
Zodiac and Planets
The Hindu Predictive zodiac consists of 27 constellations, in 12 lunar mansions. The movements of two luminaries Sun and Moon,
five major planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury) and the two nodal points of the Moon i.e., Rahu and Ketu are considered and their positions are marked. The extra Saturnine planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are not recognised by the Hindus.
Above all, Moon is taken as very important planet for predictions though it is satellite of earth. The Moon, at the time of birth is found in a particular position or in a particular star and it will be taken as the star of the person born. This star will be used for finding out the major and sub-periods of the person in his life. The transitory influences of planets in relation to the natal Moon are also studied.
Comparison with Western Astrology
When we compare the Hindu Astrology with that of the Western Astrology there are certain general principles found in both the systems. Ownership of houses, exaltation, debilitation, characteristics of planets and 12 aspects of human life are same. In certain other aspects they differ from each other. For example the square opposition aspects are bad and trine and sextile aspects are always good in Western Astrology. Where as in the Hindu system good and bad aspects are not based on the types of aspects,
but by the nature of the planets involved in the aspects. Ashtakavarga system, Shadvarga charts, Shadbala assessment and Yogavali are not found in the Western System.
The Hindu Science of Astrology also gives certain remedial measures to overcome mental, moral and physical sufferings by means of medicinal roots, mantras and yoga practices and Gemstones. Though Hindu Astrology deals with all the aspects of human life indicating materialistic success and failures, it is deeply rooted in philosophy. The Karmic theory which is akin to the Newton's third law of motion (i.e., action and reaction are equal and opposite), is also applied in the Hindu Astrology. That is why Markandeya Rishi gives this verse for Astrologers to write in the beginning of the horoscope which they cast.
Sanskrit Verse
The above verse in Sanskrit language
For the welfare of the mother and the child
For the growth of the family happiness
To follow the ancient virtuous practices
The horoscope is written
Astrology is the science of the influence of stars on people and life on earth. It tells us how man, both
as a social being and as an individual, thinks and acts under the influence of these heavenly bodies. And as
such, it is a study of the relation between heavenly bodies and earthly events. It is the science of the
relationship between man and the heavens based on the assumption that there is a cosmic order, that
everything in the cosmos has an assigned place.
Just as the Greek philosophers articulated that only change is constant, we are witness to change of
seasons, rhythmic pattern of life in nautre, natural calamities and weather fluctuations. These changes are
a direct result of the relations between earth and heaven. Lives of men are continuously influenced by this
flux. Out of this flux emerges an endeavour to predict our future and to prepare a guide for our lives. This
endeavour is a unique mix of science and metaphysics.
Thus, the basic foundation of Astrology is the belief that there is an intelligible cosmic order, that man
is the microcosm linked for ever to the macrocosm of the universe. In this way Astrology becomes a visual
map of the universe providing road signs to the otherwise unpredictable nature of man.
Astrology is a scientific attempt to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It is an attempt to
comprehend and apply the language of the heavenly bodies to suit the purposes of man. These heavenly
bodies are mapped in the form of a horoscope. Changes in their positions, determined by mathematical and
astronomical calculations, influence the happenings on earth.
At another level, Astrology is a process of divination. It is an attempt to utilise the link between man
and the cosmos to his advantage. And Astrology at once becomes an interpretation, prediction and a
subliminal plea by man, his society and culture to throw light on their destinies.
As a result, billions rely on the power and accuracy of Astrology to predict even mundane events on
the assumption that the celestial bodies we call the planets, stars and their constellations influence and
indicate changes on earth.
In the West, Astrology is considered more of a philosophy that helps explain life in new perspectives
rather than as a type of mysticism that helps predict life's events. It mostly discusses not what the planets
do to men and their socieities but interprets actions and events based on planetary positions.
How did man come to believe that the Sun, Moon and the planets affect our lives and characters,
productivity of our land, the plentifulness of our crops. How do they cause rain and drought and bring joy
and sorrow?
It is obvious that man, as an instinctive star-gazer, must have realised the importance of the heavens at the
dawn of civilization itself. As soon as he was capable of intelligent thought, he would have realised that the
sun provided warmth, sheltered him from the fears of darkness and protected life.
He would have seen the moon waxing and waning, the seas swelling and the tides receding. Historians
note that the earliest evidence of Astrological practices date back to about 15,000 BC when settled
agricultural practices were evolving. Farmers for one realise the difference between seasons.
As a hunter-gatherer, man took help of the Sun, Moon and the stars for guidance on his long and tortuous
journeys in search of food and shelter. But at the dawn of settled agriculture his long meanderings for food
ended. His flights of fanciful enquiries into nature would carry him to the same stars that stood him in good
stead in meaner days. From the comfort of his home he was able to realise a greater destiny for himself in
the stars. Stars became for him a guide on his life, a beacon that egged him on and predicted his life's
events. They acquired an aura that led him to spiritual destinations.
Man's reverence for the magical, strange moving lights in the sky, regarded as powerful agents for either
famine or plenty must have led to some of the earliest recordings of the astronomical phenomina like
eclipses and planetary movements.
Available historical records indicate that Astrological practices began in the Mesopotamean culture. It is
likely to have spread to India. It later spread to Greece and Hellenistic inlfuence on Rome gave rise to a
sophisticated form of Astrology among the subjects of the Roman empire.
Records indicate that about 2,000 BC Babylonians engaged themselves in what may now appear eccentric
practices. They relied on many omens to predict the future. Dreams, flight of birds or the birth of a baby
indicated the shape of things to come.
In India, Astrological predictions were possible by the 6th century BC as is evident from the works of Varaha Mihira whose Brihat Samhita, a text book on Astrology, suggests that the portents to be seen in the skies are so many and so complex that every astrologer should have at least four assistants. Varaha Mihira also says that the king who does not honour scholars accomplished in horoscopy and astronomy and clever in all branches and accessories comes to grief.
Interest in various forms of Astrology is evident in many civilizations including in the Incan, Mayan and
Mexican civilizations. The Incans and the Mayans were reputed to have relied on planets that could be seen
by naked eyes -Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -for their predictions.
The Chinese too developed an elaborate and sophisticated Astrolgoical system. The earliest Chinese
astrologers did not use the ecliptic at all, but the circumpolar stars. Historically, the Chinese empire saw
itself as the counterpart on earth of the Middle Kingdom of Heaven, the region of the stars that never set.
The circumpolar stars are indeed seen all year round. However, in the 1st century AD the ecliptic was given
a name in Chinese -The Yellow Road, in opposition to the equator which was The Red Road.
Astronomical calculations are the basics of Astrology and explains why Astrology and Astronomy went
hand-in-hand .
even before man learnt to write. The link of Astrology to Astronomy must have
begun as a curiosity out of a belief that the heavens influenced the earth.
Then came the realization that the fixed stars which seemed to revolve about the earth were stationary in
relation to each other. Among them, five planets rambled, in what seemed to be an illogical motion. Some
lumbered slowly about the sky. Some others seemed to dart, each revolving about the earth in the same
direction as the fixed stars. But these were seen to be confined to a narrow lane -the ecliptic -which looped
around the earth at an angle of about 23 degree to the equator. Gradually astrologers divided this belt of the
ecliptic into 12 sections.
Hindu Astrology or Indian Astrology has its roots in the Vedas, the ancient texts which are the spiritual basis
of the Hindu way of life. The Vedas which embody eternal knowledge are believed to have been composed
in the third millennium before Christ. They are the oldest known religious texts in the world and several
thousands of verses in the Rig and Atharva Vedas are dedicated to explaining astronomical knowledge.
The deep roots of Astrology in the Hindu way of life is also evident from the fact that Jyothisha or Astrology
is considered one of the limbs of the Vedas.
Understanding astronomy and astrology has been considered a part of gaining knowledge of the Vedas.
This indicates that Indians were one of the first to master the science of astronomy. From time immemorial,
Hindu rituals and rites were based on elaborate calculations of planetary positions. Some of the most
sophisticated works on Astrology like Surya Siddanta and Vedanga Jyothisha are considered as old as the
first of the Vedas. The foremost treatise on Hindu Astrology is the Skanda Hora or Jyotishmati of Lord
Subrahmanya. This work is referred to as the Mahopanishat of the Adharva Veda, dating back to 3,000 BC.
From this point, all sages who composed Horas or predictive Astrology have based their works on Skanda
Thus, thousands of years before Galileo, Copernicus, Keplar and Brahe, India had created a galaxy of
astronomers who had unravelled the celestial mysteries, calculated planetary positions and built a system
of knowledge on these calculations.
The Greeks held Indians in great esteem. According to E M Plunkett's Ancient Calendars and
Constellations, at the beginning of the Christian era, the Greeks recognised the strides India had made in
astronomy. A case in point is the life story of Appollonius of Tyana, the Greek philosopher and astrologer by
Philostratus written about 210 AD. According to the story, the learning and wisdom of Appollonius were
considered high above his contemporaries because he had studied astronomy and astrology with the sages
of India.
Pita Maha is believed to have written one of the oldest and still available treatise on Indian Astrology. The
Pita Maha Siddhanta was written 3,000 years BC. About 500 years later, Vasishtah, another
astrologer-philosopher, composed several seminal works on Vedic Astrology. Vasishtah Siddhanta is his
most important work and it has served as a reference point for writers down the ages.
Viswamitra Maharshi too has written elaborately on the science of Astrology. The Vasishtah-Viswamitra
writings comprise 54,000 Sanskrit verses and it has been found impossible for any single man to learn and
remember them. However, the great sage Varamihira Acharya of 5th century AD has compressed these
verses into 383 verses of multi-layered meanings. Kalyana Varma Acharya of 9th century AD wrote more
extensively on predictive Astrology. His work Saravali is a landmark in the history of the development of
Hindu Astrology.
The study of the Vedas is a comprehensive and difficult process. Inorder to decipher what lies concealed in
the Vedas, a study of certain subjects is considered a prerequisite. These subjects are part of the Vedas
and they are called the Vedangas, or limbs of the Vedas. These limbs are:
Shiksha -deals with the understanding of the Vedic Varnas, Swaras and Mantras. This is an exploration of
the techniques of correct pronnunciation.
Chhanda -deals with the appropriate lyrical expressions of the Vedic Suktas.
Vyakarana -expounds the grammatical aspects of the language.
Nirukta -explains the difficult words or padas and mantras.
Kalpa -deals with the understanding of sutras and the use of mantras and so concerned with the ritualistic
aspects of the Vedas.
Jyotisha -astrology.
There are three major sub-divisions of Hindu Astrological practices. The are:
SAMHITA dealing with collectivity or multitudes. It encompasses areas like weather forecasts, agricultural
produce, natural and man-made calamities like floods and cyclones, wars, famines. Besides, it deals with
political events like change in governments, elelction results etc that affect the life of the masses.
Varshaphal or annual predictions are made in the Samhita field and these yearly predictions are based
generaly on the Hindu New Year commencing on the solar ingress into Mesha.
deals with the mathemactical aspects of Astrology. Among the best known treatises on Siddhanta Astrology
are: Surya Siddhanta, Paulisha Siddhanta, Romaka (Lomasha) Siddhanta, Vasishtah Siddhanta and
Pitamaha Siddhanta. Varahamihira prescribes profiency in all these areas for a good astrologer.
HORA deals with individual jataka or horoscope and Muhurta or electional Astrology to determine the
auspicious time of certain actions.
Horary Astrology foretells the results of any undertaking or transaction based on the zodiacal placement of
planets and the rising sign at the moment a question is put to the astrologer.
Electional Astrology, on the other hand, teaches us what should be the rising sign and the configuration of
planets at the time of commencement of any event. This carried out after studying the Thidhis, Asterisms,
Yogas and Karana.
The West understands Astrology as a philosophy that helps explain life rather than as a type of mysticism
that is used to predict the future. Its not what planets do to us that is important in the West. On the other
hand, Western astrologers explain men and events based on planetary positions. The Western astrologer's
attempt is to establish the unity of all humans and matter on this planet.
Again, to the Western eye,. Astrology does not bind man to being in a particular mould. Moreover, Astrology
does not predict everything about a person's life. Instead, the attempt is to explain the energies that are
related to a person. One is given a brief guidelines of these energies and their potential. In other words, a
man can evlove from his Horoscopic chart.
In the West, there are different categories of Astrological practices. These include Medical, Business, Stock
Market, Political, Career, Election, Business etc. Mundane Astrology is the study of politics and world
events. Election Astrology, on the other hand, helps people find favorable times to get married, start a
business or start on a new job. Horary Astrology is predictive. It studies questions. The most popular type of
Astrology in the West, however, is still the analysis of people's future based on their time and place of birth.
Although both Tropical and Sidereal Astrology are practiced in the West, the Tropical 12-Sign Zodiac still
dominates the field. In the Hindu tradition, on the other hand, Sidereal Astrology has dominance.
Tropical Astrology depends on assigning signs based on their positions in relation to the Spring Equinox,
marking the Astrological New Year. This usually falls on March 21. The Equinox represents 0 degrees
Aries. Siderial Astrology depends on assigning positions based on constellations.
Hindu Astrology is based on a Sidereal Zodiac. However, there is still a branch of western Astrology that
employs a Sidereal Zodiac with Western rules of interpretations.
Hindu Astrology has developed its own rules and methods for prediction. Hindu Astrology uses the 12
constellations from Babylonian charts but at the same time, has added lunar Zodiac based on 27 lunar
constellations or Nakshatras.
These are based on the approximate number of days the moon takes to complete a cycle relative to the
stars. These constellations are indigenous to India. And one of the most effective predictive devices of
Indian Astrology, the Vimshottari Dasa System, begins with the Moon's position through these lunar signs.
The Moon in these signs is also used in Muhurta or the electional method of selecting the proper times to
do things.
These days the Hindu Sidereal Astrology has been gaining popularity in the West. Centres for Vedic
Astrology are sprouting in the United States and countries in Western Europe and far east. The
phenomenon has been explained by social scientists as an attempt by the West to return to the spiritual
roots of mankind. Eastern religions like Hinduism have always relied on intuitive aspects of man and has
highlighted the importance of man's inner being.
The similarities between Hindu and Greek Astrology are striking. In fact, Hindu Astrology is closer to Greek
practices than Western practices in Astrology. Traditions and methods of Hindu Astrology are better
preserved than any others and comprehensively prove the changes that Western Astrological practices
underwent during the Middle Ages.
The similarities between Hindu and Greek Astrology prove a strong cultural interaction between the two.
Besides, there are historians like David Pingree who believe that many of the methods of Hindu Astrology
were brought to India during Alexander's invasion of the region around 326 BC. It is also possible that both
Hindu and Grrek Astrology shared common roots.
Astrology is tantalising in its promises as it goads us on to newer heights of realising our potential. From
world leaders to the humble farmer, all have realised its authenticity. All at once, it overwhelms and
surprises, informs and inspires. Astro-Vision is proud that it is part of this heritage as it pioneered a
movement to bring Astrology into the new media and make it accessible to the common man.
In Hindu Astrology there are nine planets or Grahas. These include Rahu and Ketu, which are astronomical points formed where the
moons orbit intersects the apparent path of the Sun around the earth. Each planet is considered to be having masculine, feminine or neutral characteristics.
Planets and their equivalents in English
Graha English Sex
Ravi Sun Masculine
Chandra Moon Feminine
Kuja Mars Masculine
Budha Mercury Neutral
Guru Jupiter Masculine
Shukra Venus Feminine
Sani Saturn Neutral
Rahu Dragon head Feminine
Ketu Dragon tail Neutral
Rahu and Ketu
The Moons apparent path intersects the ecliptic obliquely at two points called the nodes. The point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north is called the ascending node or Rahu, where it crosses the ecliptic from north to south is called descending node or Ketu. These two points are 180 degrees apart and their movement is constantly retrograde, meaning, against the normal direction of movement of planets. Rahu and Ketu are given special status and considered as planets in Indian astrology.
Rahu and Ketu take approximately eighteen years and ten days to complete one round of the zodiac.
The Zodiac is a band 18 degrees wide and placed obliquely to the equator. This band can be imagined running around the earth in
an east-west direction. Groups of stars can be located along this imaginary belt. This belt is divided into twelve equal parts called
Rasi. It is also divided into 27 parts and each part named after a star or group of stars located in the division.
When a zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each such part has an extension of 30 degrees of arc. Such a division is called a
sign or Rasi.
There are 12 houses or Rasi's
Indian system Western system
1 Mesha Aries
2 Vrishabha Taurus
3 Mithuna Gemini
4 Karkata Cancer
5 Simha Leo
6 Kanya Virgo
7 Tula Libra
8 Vrischika Scorpio
9 Dhanu Sagittarius
10 Makara Capricorn
11 Kumbha Aquarius
12 Meena Pisces
Lords of Houses
Each Rasi has a planet assigned to it as Lord of the House.
Lords of the 12 houses
1 Mesha Mangal or Kuja (Mars)
2 Vrishabha Shukra (Venus)
3 Mithuna Budha (Mercury)
4 Karkata Chandra (Moon)
5 Simha Surya (The Sun)
6 Kanya Budha (Mercury)
7 Tula Shukra(Venus)
8 Vrischika Kuja(Mars)
9 Dhanu Guru(Jupiter)
10 Makara Sani(Saturn)
11 Kumbha Sani(Saturn)
12 Meena Guru (Jupiter)
Exalted houses of Planets
Each planet has a point in the zodiac where it attains maximum strength. The houses where they have the maximum strength are called the houses of exaltation.
Planets and their exaltation houses (Uchcha) :
1 Ravi -Mesha
2 Chandra -Vrishabha
3 Kuja - Makara
4 Budha -Kanya
5 Guru -Karkata
6 Shukra -Meena
7 Sani -Tula
The Sun exalts in Aires, the Moon Exalts in Taurus, Mars exalts in Capricorn, Mercury exalts in its own sign Virgo, Jupiter exalts in Cancer, Venus exalts in Pisces and the known malefic, though actually not so in all cases, Saturn exalts in Libra. These are exaltation signs and the corresponding 7th sign become the debilitation sign. The deepest exaltation degrees are 10 for the Sun,3 for the Moon, 28 for Mars, 15 for Mercury, 5 for Jupiter, 27 for Venus and 20 for Saturn. Each planet assumes significance in its exaltation sign or debilitation sign i.e. highly favourable or highly detrimental depending on the placement of the planet concerned, aspect on the planet, degree-wise strength and how it is placed in other Vargas including Navamsa.
Debilitated houses of Planets
1 Ravi Tula
2Chandra Vrischika
3Kuja Karkata
4Budha Meena
5Guru Makara
6 Shukra -Kanya
7 Sani -Mesha
Planetary relationship
Each planet considers another planet as friend, enemy or equal. Some relationships are not mutual, for example, while one planet
considers another as a friend, the second planet in turn may not see the first one as a friend. Mercury and Moon are examples.
Planets Friends Equals Enemies
Sun Mo, Ma, Ju Mercury Ve,Sa&Ra
Moon Sun & Mercury . Ma,Ju, Ve & Sa . Rahu
Mars Sun, Moon & Jupiter Ve & Sa Me & Rahu
Mercury Sun, Venus & Rahu Ma,Ju & Sa Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon & Mars Saturn & Rahu Me & Venus
Venus Me, Sa & Rahu . Jupiter & Mars Sun & Moon
Saturn Me, Ve&Ra Jupiter Sun, Moon &Ma
Rahu Me, Ve &Sa Jupiter Sun, Mo &Ma
Ketu Me,Ve,Sa & Ra Jupiter Sun, Mo & Ma
Planets and their colours
Planet Gem stone
Ravi Ruby
Chandra Pearl
Kuja Coral
Budha Emerald
Guru Pushyaraga (Yellow
Shukra Diamond
Saturn Blue Sapphire
Rahu Gomed
Ketu Cat's eye
Planet Colour
Ravi Red
Chandra White
Kuja Red
Budha Green
Guru Yellow
Shukra White
Sani Blue
Rahu Smoke
Ketu Smoke
Periods of stay of each planet in each sign
Planet Period of stay
Sun 30 days
Moon 2 1/4 days
Mars 45 days
Mercury 30 days
Jupiter 1 year
Venus 30 days
Saturn 2 years and 6 months
Rahu 1 year and 6 months
Ketu 1 year and 6 months
Planets and their elements
Planet and their elements
Mercury stands for Earthly element
Sun stands for Fiery element
Saturn stands for Airy element
Jupiter stands for Ethereal element
Venus & Moon stands for Watery element
Type of Houses
Movable Fixed Common
(Chara) (Sthira) (Dwiswabhava)
Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna
Karkata Simha Kanya
Tula Vrischika Dhanu
Makara Kumbha Meena
Natural benefics: Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Waxing Moon
Natural malefics:Saturni, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Sun.
Characteristics Associated with Planets
Planets are associated with color, metal, elements, grains, seasons etc. Also they are believed to belong to certain caste and sex.
These characteristics and associations are given in a table below.
Character Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Color Copper White Red Green Mixed Gold White/Yellow Blue/Black
Nature Sathwa Sathwa Thamas Rajas Sathwa Rajas Thamas
Sex Male Female Male Eunuch Male Female Eunuch
Caste Kshtriya Vysya Kshtriya Sudra Brahman Brahman Chandala
Element Fire Water Fire Earth Ether Water Air
Diety Agni Varuna Subramanya Vishnu Indra Indrani Brahma
Garment Thick New HalfBurnt Wet Shabby Strong Rag
Metal/ Copper Gems Gold Brass Silver Diamond(Pearl Iron(Lead)
Parts Bones Blood Marrow Skin Flesh&Brain Semen Muscles
Grains Wheat Paddy Lentil Greengram BengalGram Beans Sesamin
Seasons Summer Winter Summer Autumn Snow Spring All Seasons
Taste Pungent Salt Acidity Mixed weet&Cool Sour Bitter &
Place of worship
Springs Fire Pay-ground Store-house Bed-Chamber Dustbin
Temperament Bilious Phlegmatic Bilious Mixed Phlegmatic Windy &Phlegmatic Windy
Sivaguru Pooranananthan Paramajeyakumar Ward No 2 , Pungudutivu, Sri Lanka |
As explained in the previous lessons, the Zodiac is divided into 12 houses or Rasis. The planets are positioned in these houses. The
position of Moon is taken as the Birth Rasi. For example if the Moon is in the sign Mesha(Aries), the birth Rasi (Janma Rasi) is
Mesha. Here you have to remember that the signs referred here as per the Indian system is quite different from the birth signs
referred to in the western system of astrology. In the western system, the position of Sun is taken, in other words, it is the Sun sign.
Here we use the Moon sign.
(Life of a person is ruled by the nine planets in rotation as per the Dasa system of Indian astrology. These periods are further
sub-divided into Bhukti (Apahara). These concepts will be explained in the lesson to follow.)
People born in this sign are ambitious and forceful in their character. Mostly they are of independent disposition. They have physical
and mental energy to face any difficult situation. Dynamism and push are the catch words for these people. They enjoy personal
glory and tend to dominate others. They have the weakness of exaggerating things. Often short-sighted in their approach, they are
inclined to lose patience too fast. They may speak falsehood for the sake of selfish motives. Lack of self control and headstrong
tendencies are likely. For people born under the sign of Aries, the dasa periods of Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Rahu are
bad. Good planets are Jupiter and Sun. Their mutual aspect or conjunction are very good.
Vrishabha (Taurus)
The people of this sign will have good appearance and personality. They are emotional in their behaviour. They have great
attachment towards their people and friends. They are very luxurious in their habits. The person will be amorous, impulsive and
proud. They get carried away by praise. Health of the partner will cause anxious moments. Music and mantras (ritual chanting) are
associated with Vrishabha Rasi. There will be long journeys. They have practical business abilities. They have to be careful to avoid
self indulgence and recognise flattery. Throat, heart and bladder usually tend to be the sensitive organs and give problems. Mercury,
Sun, Saturn and Rahu dasas are good. Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Ketu dasas are bad. Saturn is benefactor.
Mithuna (Gemini)
They will be spiritual and very analytical in mind. Art and literature fascinates these individuals. They will be versatile, eloquent and
inventive and will have business acumen . They will be busy in two different fields of activity. The person of this sign will have
intellectual attainments. He will have gains through his relatives. Will have public acclaim. There will be some sexual problems. If
Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu afflict the horoscope, particularly the Lagna or the Lagna Lord there will be more difficulty in all spheres
of life. Weaknesses are : The person will have several diversified interests. Irregular sex habits are their weakness. These people
will suffer from pneumonia, pleurisy, asthma and anemia. Good dasas are : Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Bad dasas are : Mercury,
Jupiter, Sun and Mars.
Karkata (Cancer)
The characteristics of this house are flexibility, interest in mysteries, travelling indisposition. It rules chest and heart of the body.
Public and social prominence can be expected. The influence of the parents will be very great. Will have a secret and concealing
nature. Can master many languages. The person of this rasi will be extremely sensitive. Complaints of health arise out of the
emotional or worried nature. Often they tend to have problems in married life including possible loss of issues. Dasas of Mars,
Jupiter and Ketu are good ones. Mars is the one and the only Yogakaraka or benefactor. Dasas of Venus, Mercury and Rahu are
bad. Sensitivity of lungs and health complaints connected with brain and breathing may cause problems.
Simha (Leo)
It gives a kingly personality, magnanimity and lion hearted nature. Martial nature may create some situations. The person will be
honoured and capable of guiding and inspiring others. The person will be extremist in love and in philosophy. Will be fond of visiting
forests and hilly places. Will gain esteem and governmental recognition. Will posses magnetic personality. Troubles connected with
heart and poor blood circulation can be expected. Tooth and stomach are the weak parts of the body. Dasas of Sun, Mars and Rahu
are good and those of Mercury, Venus and Ketu are bad.
Kanya (Virgo)
They are very practical people. They are chaste, pure and refined. Sociable and friendly in nature, they show up occasional
shyness also. Well informed and scholarly personality. Later part of the life will be peaceful. They show interest in the occult and
ancient sciences. The persons of this Rasi will have strong sense of justice. With regard to health, intestine, alimentary canal and
liver pose certain problems. Good Dasas are Saturn, Venus and Ketu. Bad Dasas are Jupiter, Moon, Mars and Rahu.
Tula (Libra)
Since the Rasi is symbolic of balance, equilibrium and justice are its key notes. Weighing both the sides of every problem is its
character. They have a slightly detached temperament and gentle manners. Children will be few in number. They will be interested in
gaining knowledge and tend to be eloquent. Gain through woman. Will have a spiritual bend of mind and remain God fearing. Will
need strong control over sexual urges. With regard to health, kidneys and liver may give problems. Dasas of Moon, Jupiter, Sun
and Ketu are bad.
Vrischika (Scorpio)
Temperamentally they are emotional and possessive. They are cunning. Will have only few friends. These persons may get
unexpected legacies and gifts. They have strong sexual urges compared to other signs. They are highly secretive. Trouble in sex and
love affairs. Will have many relatives. Dasas of Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are good. Dasas of Mercury, Saturn, Mars and
Venus are bad. Persons born under Scorpio will suffer from trauma, colic and piles.
Dhanu (Sagittarius)
The type of people we come across here are very jovial. They are very friendly and cheerful in nature. They are of deep thinking and
of high intellect with a quick temper and strong passion. They show great interest in out door sports. They are quite independent in
nature. These people can handle men and matter very well. In family life, they may have many problems. Difference of opinion
among family members may create difficulties. Diseases connected with excess of heat in the body will trouble these people. Good
Dasas are of Sun, Moon and Mars. Bad Dasas are that of Moon and Venus.
Makara (Capricorn)
The people of this house have deep common sense. Their aspirations are very high. From a humble beginning they rise to greater
heights. They face difficulties in life boldly and achieve their goals. They are likely to have many enemies. They have to face
domestic strife. Difference of opinion among the house hold members will be a regular feature. Adamant by nature, persons of
Makara Rasi will not be inclined to take advice from others. They keep suspecting others and mistrust their attitude. Shortage of
funds will be experienced during some period in their life and great financial losses cannot be ruled out. They should be careful not to
indulge in sinful deeds which will affect their mental peace. They have to be very careful regarding illegal transactions. Generally
these people will be opposed by their relatives. They are likely to be separated from their parents, preceptors and their dear ones.
The Dasas which are good for the persons of Makara sign are Venus and Mercury. The bad Dasas are Mars, Moon, Jupiter and
Kumbha (Aquarius)
Very great saints and thinkers have been born in this house. Among the 12 signs of the zodiac this sign is attached to occult
subjects. The people of this house will have unexpected travels. They have to face problems on the domestic front. Their friends
influence them more than their relatives. They are generally idealists. If major planets favour this sign they have the potential to
become ideal servants of humanity who contribute great knowledge and wisdom for the progress of mankind. The materialistic
prosperity of these people are linked to their spiritual nature itself. If they lack spirituality, they are bound to become self-centered
and unconcerned of the progress of humanity. Physically these people may suffer from the ailments connected with legs, teeth, eyes
and ears. They may also suffer from lack of blood circulation. Good Dasas are of Ravi, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Bad Dasas are that
of Jupiter, Moon and Mars.There will be threat to life during the Dasas of Moon, Mars, Mercury and Ketu.
Meena (Pisces)
The people of this house are very analytical and emotional in their behaviour. They will be having fluctuating moods. They have great
love and affection towards their friends and relatives. They may have many brothers and sisters. The children who are born to these
people are fortunate. They have more compassion and desire to help all who suffer. At certain periods in their lives they may have to
lead a life of seclusion. They also have a fascination to the studies of occult and physical sciences. They may have to suffer from
certain ailments due to long journeys. They are likely to have more daughters than sons. If they pursue intellectual or artistic lines
they are bound to succeed in life. They frequently suffer from common colds and mucous discharges. The good Dasas are that of
Mars, Moon and Ketu. Bad Dasas are of Venus, Sun and Mercury and these periods will be very critical in their lives.
LESSON 4-Stars And Planets
Nakshatras and their Nature.
The 360 degrees of the Zodiac is divided into 27 parts called Nakshatras (Constellation of stars). Each extends to 13 degrees and 20
minutes of arc. Nakshatras are also ruled by planets. Rahu and Ketu are also alloted the ownership. Names of the Nakshatras
(Stars), their appearance, nature and Lords are given in the table below.
Star Appearance Nature Ruler
1 Aswini stars resembling a horse's face. Auspicious Ketu
2 Bharani a female sexual organ. Inauspicious Venus
3 Krittika Constellation of 6 stars Inauspicious Sun
4 Rohini 5 stars resembling an ear. Auspicious Moon
5 Mrigasira 3 stars like a head. Auspicious Mars
6 Ardra Star like a coral head . Auspicious Rahu
7 Punarvasu 5 stars like a potter's wheel. Semi auspicious Jupiter
8 Pushya 3 stars resembling a blood sucker. Auspicious Saturn
9 Ashlesha 6 stars like a serpent. Inauspicious Mercury
10 Makha 5 stars like a palanquin. Destructive Ketu
11 Purvaphalguni 2 stars resembling human eyes. Fatal Venus
12 Uttaraphalguni 2 stars like eyes. Intelligent Sun
13 Hasta 5 stars like human fingers. Fortunate Moon
14 Chitra 1 star like a pearl . Auspicious Mars
15 Swati 1 star like a sapphire. Auspicious Rahu
16 Vishakha 5 stars like a potter's wheel. Inauspicious Jupiter
17 Anuradha 3 stars resembling an umbrella. Success giving Saturn
18 Jyeshta 5 stars like a crouching lion. Destructive Mercury
19 Moola 5 stars like a crouching lion. Destructive Ketu
20 Poorvashada 2 stars each forming a square. Destructive Venus
21 Uttarashada 2 stars each forming a square. Intelligent Sun
22 Shravana 3 stars like an arrow. Happy Moon
23 Dhanishta 3 stars like an Sun's head. Auspicious Mars
24 Satabhisha 100 stars resembling a flower. Happy Rahu
25 Poorvabhadra 2 stars each forming the legs of a cot. Fatal Jupiter
26 Uttarabhadra 2 stars each forming the legs of a cot. Fortunate Saturn
27 Revati 3 stars like a fish. Happy Mercury
Each of these constellations is divided into four quarters of padas and we have 27*4=108 padas comprising the whole of the zodiac.
Each pada gets 3 degrees 20'(Three degree and twenty minutes).
Different names of 9 planets
LESSON 4-Stars And Planets
Planet Different Names
Sun Ravi, Surya, Aditya, Arka and Bhanu
Moon Chandra, Soma and Sitamsu
Mars Kuja, Angaraka and Bhoma or Bhumija
Mercury Budha, Soumya, Gna, Somaja
Jupiter Guru, Jiva, Brihaspathi, Suri
Venus Shukra, Sita, Bhrigu and Kavya
Saturn Sani, Ravija, Asita and Manda
Rahu Dragons' Head,Thama and Sarpa
Ketu Dragon's Tail, Sikhi
Direction Planet
East Sun
West Saturn
North Mercury
South Mars
North-East Jupiter
South-East Venus
North-West Moon
South-West Rahu
Planetary States
Planets are said to have certain states called 'avastas'. Avastas or planetary states are grouped into several heads. The ten states,
describing the physical-mental conditions of teh planets are:
1. Deeptha or exaltation -gives long life, successful work, good family, promising children, wealth, fame, respect and
2. Swastha or residence in their own house -permanence, happiness, sound education, good position.
3. Muditha or residence in friendly sign-good dress, fine taste, sweet scents, flowers, women, position and happiness.
4. Santha or planets in auspicious sub-divisions-timely strength and courage, helping relations, comfortable life, health and happiness.
5. Saktha or retrograde motion-courage, prosperity, successful position, reputation, wealth, good relations. In retrograde motion, good
planets produce happiness and bad planets give evil effects and misery.
6. Peedya or planets in the last quarter or Navamsa of the sign -hatred, quarrelsome relations, family dissension, criminal prosecutions,
pilfering habits, expulsion from country.
7. Deena or planets in unfriendly houses-sickness, meanness, mental worry, derangement in brain, social degradation or
excommunication, bigoted persecutions.
8. Vikala or planets in combustion -mental disorder, orphanage, many face expulsion from country, public disgrace of children, wife and
9. Khala or planets in debilitation -constant losses, vulgar birth, troubles from unexpected sources, quarrels with parents, imprisonment,
disease, misery and utter disregard for that which is noble and sacred.
10. Bheetha or acceleration -loss due to fire, foes, kings and thieves.Persecution, tortures, disgraceful life, vulgar habits, danger in
foreign countries.
In predicting the results, it is to be noted that the evil conjuctions and aspects add to the misery and good conjuctions and aspects
are beneficial.
LESSON 5-Hindu Calandar
Lunar Years
The Hindu Cycle contains 60 lunar years, they are
60 Hindu Years
1 Prabhava 16 Chitrabhanu 31 Hevimbi 46 Paridhavi
2 Vibhava 17 Swabhanu 32 Vilambi 47 Pramodisha
3 Shukla 18 Tharana 33 Vikari 48 Ananda
4 Pramodhati 19 Parthiva 34 Sarvari 49 Rakshasa
5 Prajothpati 20 Vyaya 35 Plava 50 Nala
6 Angirasa 21 Sarvajitu 36 Subhakritu 51 Pingala
7 Srimukha 22 Sarvadhari 37 Sobhakritu 52 Kalayukti
8 Bhava 23 Virodhi 38 Krodhi 53 Saddhartha
9 Yuva 24 Vikriti 39 Viswavasu 54 Roudri
10 Dhathu 25 Khara 40 Parabhava 55 Durmathi
11 Eswara 26 Nandana 41 Plavanga 56 Dundhubhi
12 Bhahudanya 27 Vijaya 42 Keelaka 57 Rudhirodgari
13 Pramadi 28 Jaya 43 Soumya 58 Rakthakshi
14 Vikrama 29 Manmatha 44 Sadharana 59 Krodhana
15 Vriksha 30 Dhurmukhi 45 Virodhikritu 60 Kshaya
The Hindu year is divided into two equal parts, each of which is called Ayana.
They are :
1. Uttarayana (Winter Solstice) when the Sun moves in a northerly direction and
2. Dakshinayana (Summer Solstice), when Sun moves in a southerly direction.
The solar months are named after the signs the Sun enters and travels.
Six solar months of Uttarayana
1. Capricorn-Makara
Six solar months of Dakshinayana
The twelve lunar months are named as follows :
Lunar Months
These are Six Ruthus (or seasons, as different from four season, amongst the Westerners) each containing two lunar months and
they are:
Ruthu Lunar Months
1. Vasantha Chaitra and Vyshaka, when the trees and plants blossom
2. Greeshma Jyesta and Ashadha, when there is a good deal of wind.
3. Varsha Sharavana and Bhadrapada, when it is rainy season.
4. Sharat Ashwija and Karthika, when fruits are aplenty.
5. Himantha Margashira and Pushya, when it is cold
6. Shishira Magha and Phalaguna, when trees and plants shred leaves.
Reasons of names of months: The star on the full Moon day of the lunar month gives the name to that month. Thus in Chaitra, the
star Chitra falls on the full moon day. In Vayshakha, the constellation Vishaka rules on the full moon day. In Jyesta, star Jyesta
comes on Pournami (full moon) and so on for other months.
Directional strength of Planets:
Birth or Ascendant denotes East direction in any horoscope. Here Jupiter and Mercury are powerful and get their directional
10th house in any horoscope from the ascendant represents South direction and here Mars and Sun will become very strong and
have their directional strength.
7th house in any horoscope represent West direction. There Saturn becomes powerful and gets directional strength.
The respective planets in the opposite houses shown above will loose their directional strength.
Planetary strength according to time: Moon, Mars and Saturn are powerful during nights. Mercury is always powerful.
Sun, Jupiter and Venus are strong during day times.
General strength of planets (from strongest to weakest) can be listed as Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars & Saturn.
Rahu and Ketu give results according the houses they occupy and their lords.
If a planet is within 5 degree of the Sun it is considered to be really combust. If it is within 20 degrees it is in ordinary combustion. If
the planet is within 15 degrees it is in nominal combustion. Planets in combustion give malefic results.
Planetary Natures
Sun, Jupiter and Moon are divine planets and they have swathwika character. Venus and Mercury are Rajasa by nature. Mars,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are Thamasa or dark and gloomy in nature.
36 Limbs of Human body
A zodiac sign or Rasi of 30 degrees is divided into three Drekkanas (Decante) of 10 degrees each. So in total, there are 36
Drekkanas spread over the 12 Rasis. The limbs and organs of the human body are associated to these Drekkanas as given in the
following table.
First Drekkana Second Drekkana Third Drekkana
1 Head Neck Pelvis
2 Right Eye Right Shoulder Generative Organ
3 Right Ear Right Arm Right Testicle
4 Right Nostril Right Side Right Thigh
5 Right Cheek Right Heart Right Knee
6 Right Jaw Right chest Right Calf
7 Mouth Navel Legs
8 Left Jaw Left chest Left calf
9 Left cheek Left Heart Left knee
10 Left Nostril Left side Left Thigh
11 Left Ear Left Arm Left Testicle
12 Left Eye Left Shoulder Arms
Some of the astrological terms are defined below.
Astrological terminology
Dasa The rising sign at the time of birth which is called Lagna or Radical.
Apoklima : The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12 th houses from the rising sign.
Ayanas : Uttarayana and Dhakshinayana are the two periods of six months each into which Hindu Astrological year is divided.
The former denotes the period when the sun is in the Northern Circle between Capricorn to Cancer. The latter is the period when
the Sun is in Southern Circle between Cancer and Capricorn.
Athichara (Acceleration) : The movement of a planet faster than its mean velocity.
Common Signs : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Conjunction : The location of two or more planets in the same longitude. Conjunctions is very powerful if the planets be in the
same degree and minute.
Dignities : A planet is dignified when it occupies its own house, Its moolatrikona or Exaltation,aspected by a benefic,
unaspected by a malefic, when it is not retrograde and when it is increasing in light
Fixed Signs : Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Janma Nakshatra : The asterism ruled by the Moon at birth of a person.
Gochara : The configuration of planets at any given time.
Degrees of main Exaltation of Planets
The following table shows the degree of main exaltation of the different planets.
Planet Exaltation Sign Degree of main Exaltation
Sun Aries 10
Moon Taurus 3
Mars Capricorn 28
Mercury Virgo 15
Jupiter Cancer 5
Venus Pisces 27
Saturn Libra 20
Plantes and Significators
Planet Significators
Sun Soul or Atma or Eye
Moon Mind,Intellectuality
Mars Physical Courage and Strength
Mercury Speech and power of eloquence
Jupiter Wisdom or Vedic knowledge and Gnana
Saturn Sorrow and Miseries.
Planetary Characteristics(Karakathwas)
Planet Characteristics
Royal Cast, fond of hot things, shoulders, bold ,status, temples, father, soul fame,
red colour.
Intelligent ,stout body, sweet speech, phlegmatic,mother,gems, mind water,
saltish white colour.
Bold, Capricous, advantageous, fiery places, brothers and sisters, servans, red
colour, military science.
Witty , Flexible nature, prudent, cunning, good speech, knowledge, handsome
countenance, green colour, intelligence, learning.
Jupiter Stout body, gold colour, charitable, priesthood, children charitable, treasure,
yellow colour,honour, wisdom.
Venus Sexual pleasure, luxuries of life, charming ladies, wealth,vehicle, sour taste.
Dark colour ,tall,large teech , windy constitution, cruel, vindicative,lazy , death ,
acid taste.
Rahu Tanks, cultivation, rest houses and maternal grand-father.
Ketu Grand parents, griefs,emancipation or moksham.
Duration of each house or Lagna
Ascendant in a day differ from place to place.
Duration of each house for South India is given as an example:
House Duration
Mesha 1 hr 36 min.
Libra 2 hr 6 min
Vrishaba 1 hr 48 min.
Scorpio 3 hr 12 min
Mithuna 2 hr 6 min.
Dhanus 2 hr 12 min
Kataka 2 hr 12 min.
Makara 2 hr 6 min
Simha 2 hr 6 min.
Kumba 1 hr 46 min
Virgo 2 hr 6 min
Meena 1 hr 36 min.
Planetary Results
Planets in their exalted hous give full results. Planets in their own and moolathrikonas gives 3/4 results. Planets in their friendly
signs give 1/2 good results. Planets in their unfriendly signs give 1/4 good results. Planets in their delilitated signs do not give any
Time One Vigati -24 seconds 2 1/2 Vigatis -1 minute. One Ghatika -24 minutes 2 1/2 Ghatikas -1 hour. 60 Ghatikas -A day of 24
The duration of the planetary Dasha periods
Planet Dasa Period
Sun 6 years
Moon 10 years
Mars(Kuja) 7 years
Rahu 16 years
Jupiter(Guru) 16 years
Saturn(Sani) 19 years
Mercury(Budha) 17 years
Ketu 7 years
Venus 20 years
Asthangatha or Setting of Planet
If a planet is located within a particular degree from the sun becomes asthangatha or the planet becomes set. It can only raise
when it goes away from the Sun behind their respective degrees.
Moon becomes asthangatha within 12 degrees from the Sun.Mercury becomes asthangatha within 17 degrees from the Sun.
Mercury (when retrograde) within 12 degrees from the Sun.Jupiter becomes asthangatha within 11 degrees from the Sun. Venus
becomes asthangatha within 10 degrees from the Sun. Saturn becomes asthangatha within 15 degress from the Sun.
Important Factors Of Hindu Astrology
Trines : The 5th, 9th and the 1st houses from the Lagna.
Upachaya : The 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses from a sign.
Vakra (Retrograde) : Planets that do not move in the regular order of signs. Rahu and Ketu always move in the reverse
direction and therefore always in Vakra. Planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturun appear to reverse their motion,
observed from the earth, during certain periods. They get back to the regular motion after a while. These planets when they
apparantly move in the reverse direction are considered to be in Vakra or Retrograde.
Vedha : A Vedha planet is one that prevents or cuts off the benefic or malefic effects manifested by another planet.
Vernal and Autumnal Equinox : The Vernal Equinox and Autmnal Equinox, occuring about March 21 and September 21,
are the only two days in a year, when day and night are of equal length. The Autmnal signs are Libra, Scropio and Sagittarius and
the Vernal signs are Aries, Taurus and Gemini. At each equinox day and night are of equal length. To set out for any venture at the
time of equinox is believed to be inauspicious with disastrous results.
Vargothama : Planet in the same house, both in Rasi and Navamsa. A Lagna if it is of same sign both in Rasi and Navamsa is
called Vargothama Lagna.
Recal : The horoscope at birth from which the past, present and future are determined. It is otherwise called Lagna.
Quadrants : The 4th, 7th and 10th and 1st houses from any sign or Lagna.
Paksha : The fortnight during which, as the Moon goes on in it's orbit, the enlightened part comes more and more into view till
the full Moon when the whole of the illuminated disk will be towards us is callled Sukla Paksha. The next fortnight during which her
enlightened side is turned more and more from us and it comes into conjunction with the Sun, forms Krishna Paksha.
Sukla means white and Sukla Paksha is the period when the Moon is waxing.
Krishna means dark and the Krishna Paksha is the period when the Moon is waning.
Thithi : A thithi is a day of the Moon. Thithis ar 15 in number neckoned from New Moon day to next Full Moon or from the Full
Moon to the New Moon. The 1st day i.e., the day following the New Moon or the Full Moon is callled prathama, 2nd Dhwithiya, 3rd
Thrithiya, 4th Chathurthi, 5th Panchami, 6th Shashti, 7th Sapthami, 8th Ashtami, 9th Navami, 10th Dasami, 11 th Ekadasi, 12th
Dwadasi, 13th Thrayodasi, 14th Chaturdasi.
Tarabala : If we have to assess whether a day's star is good or bad to us. We have to count from our star to the days star and
divide it by 9. The balance of number indicate the result. They are called as follows :
No Result
1 Janma
2 Sampath
3 Vipath
4 Kshema
5 Prathyak
6 Sadhak
7 Vadha
8 Mithra
9 Param Mitra
Good stars are 2,4,6 and
Dieties symbolising the planets and herbs indicated by the planets
Planets Diety Herbs
Sun Siva Arka Plant
Moon Gowri Palasa Plant
Mars Kartika Khadhra
Mercury Vishnu Apamarga
Jupiter Dakshina Murthy Fig tree( piple tree)
Venus Lakshmi Audumbara
Saturn Sastra Vanhi (Shami or Banyan tree)
Rahu Ganesha Darbha (Kusha)
Horoscopic Directions
1st House stands for East
7th House stands for West
4th House stands for South
10th House stands for North
Malefics, Benefics, Death inflictors and Raja Yoga giver for 12 Rasis and Langna
Lagna Malefics Benefics Death Planets Rajayoga
Mesha Sat, Mar,Ven Sun, Jup Mer, Ven Sat
Vrishabha Jup,Ven,Moo Sat,Sun Jup,Ven,Moo Sat
Mithuna Mar, Jup Ven Mar,Sun, Moo Ven
Karkataka Ven,Sat,Mer Jup,Mar Ven,Sat,Mer Mar
Leo Sun, Mer, Ven Jup, Mar, Ven Sat, Ven Mar
Kanya Jup, Moo Ven,Mer,Mar Jup, Moo,Sun Ven,Mer
Thula Sun,Jup,Mar Sat,Moo,Mer Jup, Sun Sat
Vrischika Mer, Ven, Sat Jup,Sun,Moo Mer,Ven,Sat Sun,Moo
Dhanus Sat,Ven Mar,Ven Ven,Moo,Mer Sun,Mer
Makara Mar, Jup, Moo Ven,Mer Mar, Jup Ven
Kumbha Mar,Jup.Moo Ven Mar,Jup,Moo Mar,Ven
Meena Ven,Sat,Sun,Mer Moo, Mar Sat, Ven,Sun,Mer Sat,Jup
Saptha Rishis : Marachi, Athri, Angiras, Agasthya, Balaha, Krathu and Vasishta are considered to be the seven Gurus
(masters) of Vedic India.
Strength of planets during day and night
Moon, Saturn, Mars are strong during night times.
Sun, Jupiter, Venus are strong during day times.
Mercury is strong during day as well as night times.
Important Sanskrit works to be consulted for mastery over the subject
No. Work No. Work
1 Kalamrita 16 Daivagna Vilana
2 Sarvatha Chintamani 17 Horapradpika
3 Manasagari 18 Suryasiddanta
4 Mahurtha Darpana 19 Navanitarnava
5 Gopalarathnakara 20 Parashara Hora
6 Saravali 21 Daivagna Bhushana
7 Nakshathra Chudamani 22 Jathaka Thathwa
8 Jinendra Mala 23 Jathaka Parijatha
9 Ududasha Pradipika 24 Jathaka Adashamarga
10 Jathakalankara 25 Brihat Jathaka
11 Yogavali 26 Horashara
12 Jathakakalanithi 27 Krishna Misriya
13 Karale 28 Phaladeepika
14 Jathakachandrika 29 Uttarakalamrita
15 Daivagni Bharana
Important Sanskrit Authors .
Vasista, Narada, Sakthi, Parashara, Vyasa, Vishnugupta, Vavana, Devala, Maya, Jaimini, Manitha, Satyaacharya, Jivasharma,
Nakshatras According to the first sound of the name
The first sound of a person's name is associated with stars (nakshatra) according to the table below. Where a person does not
know the date and time of birth, this table can be used as a guide to assume a birth star. This method is often used to match the
people for determining compatibility for marriage.
Chu, Chey, Cho, La Aswini
Li, Lu, Ley, Lo Bharani
Aa, Ee, U, A Krithika
O, Va, Vee, Vo Rohini
Vay, Vo, Kaa, Ke Mrigasira
Koo, Ghaa, Jna, Cha Aridra
Kay, Ko, Haa, Hee Punarvasu
Hoo, Hay, Ho, Daa Pushya
Dee, Doo, Day, Do Aslesha
Maa, Mee, Moo, May Makha
Mo,Taa,Tee,Too Pubba
Tay, To, Paa, Pee Uttara
Pu, Shaa, Naa,Thaa Hasta
Pay, Po, Raa, Ree Chitra
Ru, Ray, Raa, Tha Swathi
Thee, Thoo, Thay, Tho Vishaka
Naa, Nee, Noo, Nay Anuradha
No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo Jaista
Yay, Yo, Baa, Dha Moola
Bu, Dhha, Bha, Dha Purvashada
Bay, Bo, Jaa, Jee Uttarashada
Ju, Jay, Jo, Gha Sravana
Gaa, Gee, Goo, Gay Dhanista
Go, Saa, See, Soo Satabhisha
Say, So, Daa, Dee Poorvabhadra
Du, Tha, Jna, Thaa Uttarabhadra
De, Do, Chaa, Chee Revathi
Four sounds given against each star correspond to the four quarters of the star respectively.
Position of Nakshatras in the Zodiac
ARIES (Mesha)
0 deg to 13 deg -20 ' Aswini 1,2,3,4 quarters
13 deg -20' to 26 deg -40' Bharani 1,2,3,4 quarters
26 deg -40' to 30 deg -00' Krittika 1 part or quarter
TAURUS (Vrishabha)
0 deg to 10 deg -00' Krittika 2,3,4 quarters
10 deg -00' to 23 deg -20' Rohini 1,2,3,4 quarters
23 deg -20' to 30 deg -00' Mrigasira 1 and 2 quarters
GEMINI (Mithuna)
0 deg to 6 deg -40' Mrigasira 2, 3 quarters
6 deg -40' to 20 deg -00' Aridra 1,2,3,4 quarters
20 deg-00' to 30 deg -00' Punarvasu 1,2,3 quarters
CANCER (Kataka)
0 deg -to 13 deg -20' Punarvasu 4 quarter
3 deg -20 to 16 deg -40' Pushya 1,2,3, 4 quarters
16 deg -40 to 30 deg -00' Ashlesha 1,2,3,4 quarters
LEO (Simha)
0 deg -to 13 deg -20' Makha 1,2,3,4 quarters
13 deg -20 to 26 deg -40' Pubbha 1,2,3,4 quarters
26 deg -40 to 30 deg -00' Uttara 1 quarter
VIRGO (Kanya)
0 deg -to 10 deg -00' Uttara 2,3, 4 quarters
10 deg -00 to 23 deg -20' Hasta 1,2,3,4 quarters
23 deg -20 to 30 deg Chitra 1 and 2 quarters
LIBRA (Tula)
0 deg -to 6 deg -40' Chitra 2, 3 quarters
6 deg -40 to 20 deg -00' Swati 1,2,3,4 quarters
20 deg -00 to 30 deg -00' Vishakha 1,2,3 quarters
SCORPIO (Vrischika)
0 deg -to 3 deg -20' Vishakha 4th quarter
3 deg -20 to 16 deg -40' Anuradha 1,2,3,4 quarters
16 deg -40 to 30 deg Jyeshta 1,2,3,4 quarters
0 deg -to 13 deg -20' Moola 1,2,3,4 quarters
13 deg -20 to 26 deg -40' Purvashada 1,2,3,4 quarters
26 deg -40 to 30 deg Uttarashada 1st quarter
0 deg -to 10 deg -00' Uttarashada 2,3,4 quarters
10 deg -to 23 deg -20' Shravana 1,2,3,4 quarters
23 deg -20 to 30 deg -00' Dhanishta 1, 2 quarters
0 deg -to 6 deg -40' Dhanishta 3,4 quarters
6 deg -40 to 20 deg -00' Shathabisha 1,2,3,4 quarters
20 deg -00 to 30 deg P.Bhadrapada 1,2,3 quarters
PISCES (Meena)
0 deg -to 3 deg -20' P.Bhadrapad 4th quarter only
3 deg -20 to 16 deg -40' U.Bhadrapada 1,2,3,4 quarters
16 deg -40 to 30 deg Revati 1,2,3,4 quarters
Benefic Planets Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and waxing Moon
Malefic Planets Sun, Saturn, Mars and waning Moon
Benefics and Malefics
Planets are considered as benefics or malefics by their nature as well as association.
Here one should understand that Moon from 8th Lunar day Suklapaksha (Waxing Moon) to 8th Lunar day of Krishna Paksha
(waning Moon) is benefic in quality and it becomes a malefic from 8th day of Krishna Paksha to 8th Lunar day of Shukla Paksha. If
Mercury happens to be with a malefic it also becomes Malefic.
The strength of a planet is determined by its six fold strength or Shadbala. Complex mathematical routines are used to determine
these strengths.
1 Sthanabala or positional strength
2 Dikbala or Directional strength
3 Kalabala or Temporal strength
4 Chestabala or Motional strength
5 Naisargikabala or Permanent strength
6 Drikbala or Aspect strength
The assessment of these strengths is useful in predicting the longevity, various aspects of life and results based on the Dasa
Animal Signs of Rasis
Some zodiac signs have animal shapes associated with them as in the chart below.
Mesha Goat
Vrishabha Ox or Buffalo
Cancer Crab and Tortoise
Simha Tiger, Lion, Dog, Fox, Cat
Vrischika Snake, Scorpion
Dhanu Horse and Donkey
Capricorn First half deer and the second half is frog and crocodile
Meena Fish.
Animal Signs of Stars
Aswini and Satabisha Horse
Bharani and Revati Elephant
Krittika and Pushya Goat
Rohini and Mrigasira Snake
Moola and Ardra Dog
Makha and Pubba Rat
Aslesha and Punarvasu Cat
Swati and Hasta Buffalo
Vishakha and Chitra Tiger
Jyeshta and Anuradha Rabbit
Uttara and Uttarabhadra Cow
Uttarashada Mongoose
Purvashada and Shravana Monkey
Purvabhadra and Dhanishta Lion
This nakshatra animation will be very useful in knowing marriage compatibility. If the stars of partners have friendly animations it is
a good family partnership. If they are neither friends nor enemies it gives medium effects. If they are enemies their partnership in
life will be difficult.
Enemy animal combinations are : Cow -Tiger, Elephant -Lion, Horse -Buffalo, Dog -Rabbit, Mongoose -Snake, Monkey -Goat, Cat -Rat.
Lagna etc.
Lagna : The rising sign at the moment of birth or at the commencement of a function.
Latitude : The distance of a planet from the Equator.
Longitude : The distance of a planet from the first point of Aries.
Lunar & Solar Months : The twelve Lunar (Chandra) months of a year are Chaithra, Vysakha, Jyeshta, Ashada, Shravana,
Badrapada, Aswayuja, Karthika, Mrigasira, Pushya, Makha and Phalguna. A lunar month takes its name from the ruling star on the
full moon day of that month.
The twelve solar (Soura) months are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika, Dhanu, Makara,
Kumbha, Meena
Moolatrikona Signs of Planets
Planets are strong and favorable when placed in their Moolatrikona Signs.
Moolathrikona Signs of Planets :
Planet Moolatrikona Sign
Sun Leo
Moon Taurus
Mars Aries
Mercury Virgo
Jupiter Sagittari
Venuss Libra
Saturn Aquarius
Movable Signs: :
Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are considered as movable signs and they indicate change and mobility.
Fixed Signs :
Signs Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika and Kumba are considered as fixed signs and they indicate stability.
Mixed Signs:
Signs Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu and Meena are considered as mixed signs and they indicate balance between the fixed and
movable signs.
Planetary Aspects
All planets throw a full aspect to the 7th house, the 4th and 8th houses are aspected with three quarters of a sight, 5th and 9th
houses with half a sight, 3rd and 10th houses with quarter sight.
Of the planets aspecting with a full sight the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus are strongest.
Of the planets aspecting with half sight Jupiter is the strongest. Among those that aspect with three quarter of sight, Mars is
Significations of Houses
The houses counted from the lagna are called bhavas. These bhavas from 1 to 12 signify the following
Bhavas Significance
First Body, complexion, beauty, birth, fame, activity and high life.
Family life, fortune, power of eye sight, observation, mercury, power of speech, quality of speech,
imagination, wealth, treasures.
Brothers, sisters, courage, patience, servants and subordinates, power of hearing, diseases of the
ear, gold and silver vessels, deeds of heroism.
Education, relations, mother, house, conveyance, comforts, domestic quadrupeds, love of work,
reputation, popularity.
Fifth Children, uncle, inheritance, intelligence, speculation, manthras, previous karma and father's women.
Sixth Diseases, injuries, accidents, losses, humilation, debts and enemies.
Marriage, love affairs, happiness, relations, preference from royalty, trade, longevity of wife and
Dangers, struggles, chronic diseases, obstacles, uneasiness, loss of money, extravagence,
reputation, enmity.
Ninth Fathers's postion, virtue, meritorious wealth, initiation, fertile fields and gardens, supply, divine favour
and medicine.
Charity, avocation, public good, mercy, wisdom, worship, renown, fortitude, clothes, meals and
Elder brothers, followers, dependents, gains, insight vehicles, power of overcoming obstacles,
redemption and wealth garments.
Journey, residence in foreign countries on duty, expenditure, real happiness, response, sound sleep,
excellent beds, disputes, generosity, sacrifice, prosperity in business, sorrow and loss.
How to calculate occupations
In an earlier chapter you have studied the planetary states. Here you will be studying the planetary occupations, which are 27 in
number. Effects of those occupations will be felt at the respective dasas or major period or Anthar dasas i.e., Sub period of the
major dasas.
Steps to find the planetary occupations in a horoscope :
1. Calculate the position of Lagna (Ascendant) and place it in the chart.
2. Calculate the position of planets and place them in the 12 zodiacal houses.
3. Count from Aries to the Lagna and know its number.
For example if Virgo(Kanya) is the Lagna, it will be 6th from Aries.
4. Count the number of the houses in which the planet whose occupation we want to assess is positioned from Lagna.
For example if Saturn is in Aquarius and the Lagna is Kanya, Saturn is taken to be in the 6th House.
5. Add the figures got from 3rd and 4th methods. Double this number and multiply the total with the respective dasa period of the
planet. Divide by 27. The remainder gives the number corresponding to the planetary occupation. If the remainder is zero then
take it as 27.
For example:
From Aries to Lagna is 6.
From Lagna to the planetary position of Saturn is 6.
When we total these two figures we get 12.
This figure should be multiplied by 2. We get 24.
Saturn's period according to Vimshottaridasa is 19 years. Hence we should multiply above figure by 19. 24 x 19 = 456.
This figures "456" should be divided by 27. The remainder will be planetary occupation of the planet Saturn in the above example.
456 divided by 27 gives the remainder as 24.
Planetary occupation for 24 is as given in the list below is: Acquisition of Wealth.
When we take a horoscope, the planetary occupation of all the planets should be found out according to the method given in this
lesson. All the planetary occupations of the horoscope gives us an idea to interpret the over all effect of the horoscope.
List of Planetary occupations
No. Occupation Effects
1 Bathing It gives prosperity in the family with children. Better career is also indicated.
2 Dressing Acquire wealth or valuables. The person will have great influence in the surroundings.
3 Sweet scents Name and fame, recognition from outsiders. High honour may also be expected.
4 Preparation for worship Money or wealth obtained from earth, earthly things.
5 Praying Trouble from Government. Loss of wealth indicated. Dishonour may be experienced.
6 Worships Creates benefit from bad people. Financial gains, popularity.
7 Sacrificial preparation Digestive trouble, success in education.
8 Meditation Association with wealthy people. Luxury is gained from earth. Failure of opponents.
9 Kneeling Getting of many amenities. Good speech. Double or dual tendency.
10 Going round the altar Liver trouble, criminal affairs.
11 Contemplation Elevation in the status, Governmental power, Good family ties. Success from all directions.
12 Reception of Guests Some unexpected wealth. Beware of foul play. Jealousy of others.
13 Dinner Getting cheated or cheating dispositions. Ill health, irreligious.
14 Drinking Water Unhealthy or unclean food. Bad deeds or sinful actions.
15 Anger Boasting about oneself and selfish tendency.
16 Chewing Beetle leaves All good indications. Good position and wealth.
17 Court Entrance Good and calm disposition. High respect.
18 Growing Acquirement of great knowledge or learning and wealth.
19 Private consultation Lethargy, indefiniteness in things.
20 Delay Actions without fore-thinking, unimpressive but it gives learning.
21 Sleeping Sensuous nature and indulgence in wasteful things. Improper treatment to the family.
22 Drinking Careless actions. Harmful to near people. All actions are harmful and conceited.
23 Sweet drinks Good wife and children and luxurious life.
24 Acquisition of Wealth Great gains in all enterprises amenable to all others.
25 Taking off the crown Loss of important pursuits. Down fall in all enterprises.
26 Profound sleep Disease. Trouble from those in power.
27 Sexual intercourse Illegal connection with women of disrepute. Bad ways and deterioration in all undertakings
The main divisions of Indian Astrology are:
Mundane or National Astrology
Annual Horoscope
Natal Astrology
Transit System
Horary Astrology
Electional Astrology
Explanation of Indian Astrology divisions
No. Names of Divisions Explanation
1 Mundane Astrology
It deals with the celestial phenomena such as Equinoxes, solstices, new moon, eclipses,
planetary conjunctions and comets. It includes a study of the influence of these phenomena
upon countries, nations and people.
2 Annual Horoscope
It is also called Atmospheric Astrology, which deals with the conditions of the weather, season
3 Natal Astrology Deals with individual horoscopes and foretells the character and destiny of a person.
4 Transit System
Effect of changes in planetary configurations (due to their perennial movement) from the
position of Moon at the time of birth.
5 Horary Astrology
It deals with the science of foretelling the results of any undertaking or transaction based on
the zodiacal placement of planets and the rising sign at the moment a question is put to the
astrologer. Here the scope is limited to the immediate future.
6 Electional Astrology
It teaches us what should be the rising sign, the configuration of planets and other factors, at
the time of commencement of a good function. This is done by studying the Thithis, Asterisms,
Yogas, Karana and other parameters. Electional Astrology is used to fix the Muhurtha
(auspicious time) for conducting weddings, entering a newly constructed house etc.
lesson 13,Hindu Year & Effects
The Hindu calendar has a cycle of 60 years and are named from Prabhava to Kshaya. Generally the new Hindu year will
commence from the end of April every year. In the current cycle, the year Prabhava coincides with the Christian year 1987.
Samvatsara from 1900 AD to 2020 AD
A chart showing the Hindu years (Samvatsara) from Christian era 1900 to 2020 is given below.
1900 Sarvari
1901 Plava
1902 Subhakritu
1903 Sobhakritu
1904 Krodhi
1905 Viswavasu
1906 Parabhava
1907 Plavanga
1908 Keelaka
1909 Soumya
1910 Sadharana
1911 Virodhikritu
1912 Paridhavi
1913 Pramodisha
1914 Ananda
1915 Rakshasa
1916 Nala
1917 Pingala
1918 Kalayukti
1919 Saddhartha
1920 Roudri
1921 Durmathi
1922 Dundubhi
1923 Rudhirodgari
1924 Rakthkashi
1925 Krodhana
1926 Kshaya
1927 Prabhava
1928 Vibhava
1929 Sukla
1930 Pramodhati
1931 Prajothpati
1932 Angirasa
1933 Srimukha
1934 Bhava
1935 Yuva
1936 Dhatu
1937 Eswara
1938 Bahudanya
1939 Pramadi
1940 Vikrama
1941 Vriksha
1942 Chitrabhanu
1943 Swabhanu
1944 Tharana
1945 Parthiva
1946 Vyaya
1947 Sarvajitu
1948 Sarvadhari
1949 Virodhi
1950 Vikriti
1951 Khara
1952 Nandana
1953 Vijaya
1954 Jaya
1955 Manmatha
1956 Durmukhi
1957 Hevimbi
lesson 13,Hindu Year & Effects
1958 Vilambi 2018 Vilambi
1959 Vikari 2019 Vikari
Influence of year of birth
Each year of the cycle is believed to have its own characteristics which will be manifested in the persons born in that year.
No. Names of
1 Prabhava
A person born in this year will have collection of precious things, have good children and live long and
2 Vibhava This person will be born rich and will be a man of artisitc talents. He will become learned.
3 Shukla The person of this year will be very handsome, will enjoy good family life and will be of great character.
4 Pramodhati Person born in this year will be helpful, famous and well-honoured in life.
5 Prajothpati Those born in this year will be men of truth, will help the society and will be respected by others.
6 Angirasa The person born in this year will be proud, enjoy good luck and will have more male issues.
7 Srimukha
The person of this year will be very intelligent. He will learn many sciences and will be very successful in
8 Bhava Person of this year will enjoy good life, earn fame and will help others generously.
9 Yuva Person of this year will have a brilliant countenance and will be successful and enjoy a long life.
10 Dhathu Those born in this year is will be successful in business enterprises, will be proficient in winning over
enemies and will not be a spendthrift.
11 Eswara Those born in this year will be men of anger, proficient in many things and have a good personality
12 Bhahudanya Those born in this year will be successful in military science and will be associated with vehicles.
13 Pramadi Those born in this year will be successful in business and in agriculture.
14 Vikrama Those born this year will be achieve great success in life and will be of great courage.
15 Vriksha Those born in this year will be slow in doing things, may be lazy and will mostly serve others as
16 Chitrabhanu Those born in this year will be of principled, enjoy great intelligence and will be learned.
17 Swabhanu
Those born in this year will be liked by those in power and will be powerful, fearless and at times may
commit bad deeds.
18 Tharana Those born in this year will be of fickle mind. Bad deeds done by him may bring him bad name.
19 Parthiva
Those born in this year will be lucky, enjoy good position in life and will have for company powerful and
influential people.
20 Vyaya Those born in this year will be poor and may migrate from his home country to settle abroad.
21 Sarvajitu Those born in this year are hard workers with many interests and possible success in sciences.
22 Sarvadhari Those born in this year will have many servants, lead a life of luxury and enjoy life to the full.
23 Virodhi Those born in this year will travel much and will face great oppositions in life.
24 Vikriti
The person born in this year may be lean and dark in complexion with a defective limb and a heartless
attitude at times
25 Khara The person born in this year will have lung trouble and will be passionate.
26 Nandana Those born in this year will be happy and content.
27 Vijaya
The person born in this year will be learned and will have a highly logical mind and will be respected by
28 Jaya The person born in this year will enjoy success and will be of great valour.
29 Manmatha Those born in this year will be rich, enjoy female company and acquire precious articles.
30 Dhurmukhi Those born in this year will be harmful, will keep company with women in the lower rungs of the society
and have vulgar speech.
31 Hevimbi
The person born in this year will be rich, enjoy possessions, lead a comfortable life and will have good
32 Vilambi Those born in this year may tend to be greedy, lazy and stingy.
33 Vikari
The person born in this year will be fickle-minded, unwise and suffer from false pride and may do
anything for self-gratification.
34 Sarvari Those born in this year are passionate, sexually active and incapable of doing anything on their own.
35 Plava Those born in this year will be indecisive in their day-to-day life and may keep wandering from place to
36 Subhakritu
The person of this year is always a principled one bent on doing good to others. He will also learn many
sciences and live long.
37 Sobhakritu A person of this year will have a good personality, success and character.
38 Krodhi A person of this year will always hurry about things and spoil his own undertakings. He may also be of
loose morals.
39 Viswavasu
Those born in this year will lead a life of luxury choosing the best things in life. They are even tempered
and of good character.
40 Parabhava A person of this year will have extra-marital affairs, may lose money and suffer poverty.
41 Plavanga Those born in this year will be hard working and helpful to others but may suffer from diseases.
42 Keelaka
Those persons born in this year will have little lusture to their personality but will talk well and may be
bad tempered.
43 Soumya Those born in this year will be learned, rich, enjoy good life and will respect elders and gods.
44 Sadharana
The persons born in this year will commit bad deeds, may have to migrate and suffer on account of
45 Virodhikritu The person of this year will be against the society, parents and may become and outcaste.
46 Paridhavi The person of this year will become a learned man. He will be of great intelligence and enjoy success in
47 Pramodisha
The person born in this year will be against his relatives. His house may face disasters and he may be
full of ill will.
48 Ananda The person of this year will have a good family life. His children will be good.
49 Rakshasa The person of this year will be happy but may hurt others.
50 Nala The person of this year will be a good business man and will become rich.
51 Pingala The person of this year will suffer from ailments of his head.
52 Kalayukti
The person of this year will be artistically inclined, will be a great friend, earn a good name, enjoy a long
life and may become rich. He is likely to suffer from some diseases.
53 Saddhartha The person born in this year will be a great friend, earn a good name and enjoy long life and riches.
54 Roudri Those born in this year will have a short life, heavy physique and may be inclined to do bad deeds. They
may become a menace to others.
55 Durmathi Those born in this year will be selfish, unhelpful and may harm others.
56 Dundhubhi The person born in this year will be enthusiastic in his day-to-day affairs.
57 Rudhirodgari
The person born in this year will be inclined to do bad deeds, may suffer from one or more diseases and
may be operated upon.
58 Rakthakshi The person born in this year will be even tempered, kind and helpful to others.
59 Krodhana Those born in this year will tend to cheat others, will be lethargic and harmful to others.
60 Kshaya The person born in this year will loose their ancestral property and may do anything to gratify his needs.
lesson 14, Hindu months and effects
Influence of Month of birth
General characteristics of persons born in the 12 Hindu Lunar Months according to `Yavana Jathakam’, one of the oldest Hindu
Astrological works, is given below.
No. Names of
1 CHAITRA: Those born in this month generally gain strength from celebate life and learn quickly about the world
they live in.
2 VAISHAKA: Those born in this month will have great personality and grace, enjoy clout and will be foresighted.
They will be seekers of truth and enjoy long life.
3 JYESHTA These persons will be greatly talented and they will calculate their benefits before doing anything.
4 ASHADA Those born in this month will find it difficult to eke out a living. They are blessed with good appetite
but may suffer from some diseases.
5 SHRAVANA Persons born in this month will be popular and will be religious minded. They will generally enjoy
good family life
6 BHADRAPADHA Those born in this month will be popular with women and will have more male issues. They will be
fair in complexion.
7 ASHWAYUJA The person born in this month will be kind hearted and enjoy a luxurious life with many servants.
They will also enjoy the favours of several women.
8 KARTHIKA The person born in this month will be talkative and will have a crooked mind. Person may remain
9 MARGASHIRA Persons born in this month will visit many places of religious interest. They will master many useful
sciences and are suited to priestly or religious life.
10 PUSHYA These persons will be secretive and will secretly plan to do bad deeds. They will suffer in life.
11 MAGHA This person may become a great Yogi, philosopher and will know many worldly things too.
Those born in this month are lucky, will enjoy good family life and will look to enjoying many things in
Thithi can be found from any horoscope if we know the positions of Sun and Moon in the natal chart. Find out the longitudes
(degree) of the Sun and the Moon. Each Thithi constitutes 12 degrees. Therefore, divide the difference in longitudes between the
Sun and Moon by 12. You will get the number of the lunar day.
Influence of Thithis
Influence of Thithis (Lunar days) according to "Yavana Jathaka" is given below.
Lunar Day Names of
1st Prathipada
The person born in this lunar day will have a good wife and also enjoy extra-marital
2nd Dwithiya The person born on this day will seek the truth. This person will be liked by all and will be
skilled in using weapons.
3rd Thrithiya
Those born on this day will be immoral and will be after immoral women. They will be bent
on harming others.
4th Charthurthi
Those born on this day will be greedy and will not be helpful to others. They will also be
5th Panchami Those born on this day will be intelligent and live long. They will have strong moral
6th Shrashti
Those born on this day will have more male issues. They will be after sensual pleasures
and will have a big circle of friends.
7th Sapthami Those born on this day will be rich and will have good character. They will respect elders
and learned men.
8th Ashtami
The person born on this day will be faithful to the spouse, have many interests and speak
9th Navami Those born on this day will be passionate and courageous. They will be interested in and
talented to pursue arts and will be deadly to their opponents.
10th Dasami
Those born on this day will be highly successful in business pursuits. They will be
well-versed in sciences and will have strong convictions.
11th Ekadasi
Those born on this day will be unprincipled. They are jealous of other's progress. Their
mind will be occupied by thoughts of cohabiting with women.
12th Dwadasi
The person born on this day will be popular with women and amass wealth. This person will
have many enemies but will handle them intelligently.
13th Thrayodasi
The person born on this day will have wide circle of relatives and will make them happy.
This person will be pure at heart, enjoy good health and do everything with great care and
14th Chathuradasi Those persons born on this day will have a healthy body and a great personality. They will
have convictions of their own on everything.
(in bright half
of the month)
Pournami The person born on this day will keep long hair, live up to 80 years of age and will be
efficient in all undertakings.
(in dark half
of the month)
Amavasya The person born on this day will become deadly to opponents and will enjoy a good life.
Generally, a person born in the bright half of the month will have a long life, will be helpful to others, will be a great friend and win
over women easily.
The person born in the dark half of the month will harbour thoughts of harming others and have rustic speech. This person may not
have order and discipline in life.
Days of Week and Effects
Influence of Days of Week
Significance of birth during different days of the week are given below.
Day Explanation
Sunday Those born on this day will talk much, be courageous and like to travel
The person born on this day will be soft, calm and truth-loving and have a good personality and strong
The person born on this day will show anger and courage. They have the capacity to do things well and
seek favours from women
Wednesday The person born on this day will be good to look at and will have high intellectual interests
Thursday The person born on this day will be kind, compassionate, practical and eager to use time properly.
Friday Persons born on this day will prefer white clothes and will be practical.
Saturday Generally, persons born on this day will be poor, lean and unwise in dealing with others. They will be
emotional in nature and may be indiscrete with their emotions.
lesson 17, Karana and Effects
A Karana is half a Thithi or 6 degrees of arc. In thirty Thithis comprising of the Lunar month, there are sixty half-thithis or Karanas.
In other words, each Thithi has two Karanas. The first Karana ends at the middle of the Thithi and the second Karana is upto the
end of that Thithi.
Table of Karanas within thithis
The following chart will help you to find out the Karana from the Thithi.
Thithi 1st Karana 2nd Karana
1st Kimstugna Bava
2nd Balava Kaulava
3rd Taitila Gara
4th Vanija Vishti
5th Bava Balava
6th Kaulava Taitila
7th Gara Vanija
8th Vishti Bava
9th Balava Kaulava
10th Taitila Gara
11th Vanija Vishti
12th Bava Balava
13th Kaulava Taitila
14th Gara Vanija
15th Vishti Bava
16th Balava Kaulava
17th Taitila Gara
18th Vanija Vishti
19th Bava Balava
20th Kaulava Taitila
21st Gara Vanija
22nd Vishti Bava
23rd Balava Kaulava
24rd Taitila Gara
25th Vanija Vishti
26th Bava Balava
27th Kaulava Taitila
28th Gara Vanija
29th Vishti Shakuni
30th Chatushpada Naga
Effects of fixed Karanas
There are four Karanas that occur only once in a month. They are fixed Karanas and their effects, according to "Yavana Jathaka",
are as follows.
Name of Karana
The person of this Karana will be calm, composed, intelligent, gifted with intuition and full of good
2nd Chatushpada The person of this Karana will do independent business, take great pains in work and will be
3rd Naga
The person of this Karana will be a specialist and successful in professions connected with
minerals. Will be of good character and capable of mesmerising and catching snakes.
4th Kimstugna Persons of this Karana are intelligent but may be bent on doing bad deeds; are heartless,
unpopular and may suffer much in life.
Effects of recurring Karanas
The remaining seven Karanas recur eight times during the Lunar month. Their names and effects are
No Name of Karana Influence
1st BAVA The persons born of this Karana will be poor but will be kind and content with what they get.
They will be successful if they pursue a career with the Army.
The person born on this Karana will be handsome, courageous, sacrificing and will be interested
in sports and extra-curricular activities
The person of this Karana will be intent on doing bad deeds as his earlier environment was not
congenial to moulding his character.
The person of this Karana will be soft hearted, even tempered and with strong convictions.
Constitutionally the person will be strong.
5th GARA The person of this Karana will be a good strategist, imaginative and talkative.
6th VANIJA The person of this Karana will have good business acumen and will be capable of succeeding in
any type of business.
7th VISHTI The person of this Karana will be heartless, without friends and will be bent on doing bad deeds.
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